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Torque ValueSizeRemarks 1999 honda crv owners manual free download N. Blow out all passages. Remove the y'VT gear position switch cover. Remove the 12 bolts securing the end cover. Slip the special tool onto the mainshaft as shown. Engage the park pawl with the park gear. Cut the locktabs of each shaft locknut using a chisel as shown. 1999 honda crv owners manual free download all chiseled particles out of the transmis- ston.

Remove the locknuts and conical spring washers from each shaft. NOTE: Mainshaft and countershaft locknuts have left- hand threads. Clean the old countershaft locknut. Remove the lock pin that was installed to hold the sub-shaft.

Remove the special tool from the mainshaft. Remove the 1st clutch, mainshaft 1st gear assembly, and mainshaft 1999 honda crv owners manual free download gear collar. Remove the sub-shaft 1st gear. Remove the park pawl, pawl spring, pawl shaft. Remove the park screenshot selection windows 10 free download from the control shaft. Using a universal two jaw puller, remove the park gear, one-way clutch, and countershaft 1st geal assemblv.

The illustration shows the 4WD automatic transmission; the 2WD is similar. Cleanall parts thoroughly in solvent or carburetor cleaner. Remove majual transfer assembly from the torque con- verter housing. Remove the transmission housing mounting bolts, transmission hanger, and connector bracket. Align the spring pin on the control shaft with the transmission housing groove by turning the control shaft.

Install the special tool over the mainshaft. Remove the countershaft reverse gear collar, needle bearing, and countershaft revsrse gear from the countershaft, Remove the lock bolt securing tho reverse shift fork, then remove the reverse shift fork and reverse selector together. Remove the countershaft sub-assemblv and main- shaft sub-assembly together, 9.

Remove the differential assembly. The illustration shows the 4WD automatic transmission; 9199 2WD is similar. RING 5x1. Remove the control lever mounting bolt trom the torque converter side of the torque converter hous- ing. For '97 - 98 models: Remove the two bolts securing the ATF strainer and servo detent base, then remove the strainer and the base. For'97 - 98 /47503.txt Remove the seven bolts securing the servo body, then remove the servo body and separator plate' For'99 - 00 models: Remove the eight bolts securing the servo body, then remove the servo body and separator plate' 5.

Bemove the three bolts securing the secondary valve body, then remove the secondary valve body' stop shaft bracket, and separator plate. Remove the eight bolts securing the ATF lubrication plate and lock-up valve body, then remove 1999 honda crv owners manual free download ATF lubrication plate, lock-up valve body' and separator plate. Remove the one bolt securing the regulator valve body, then remove the regulator valve body' ccrv.

Remove the stator shaft and stop shaft. Remove the detent spring from the detent arm, then remove the control shaft from downloav torque converter houslng. Remove the detent arm and detent arm shaft from the main valve body. Remove the five bolts securing the main valve body, нажмите чтобы узнать больше remove the main valve body. When 1999 honda crv owners manual free download the main valve body, do not let the eight check balls fall out.

Remove the main separator plate with two dowel prns. Use this procedure to free the varves. Soak a sheet of abrasive paper in ATF forabout 30 minutes. Carelully tap the valve ownesr so the sticking valvedrops out of its bore. Be carefulnot to scratch the bore with the screwdriver. Inspect the valve for any scutf marks. Use the ATF-soaked paper to polish off any burrs that areon the valve, then wash the 1999 honda crv owners manual free download in solvent and dryit with compressed air.

Roll up half a sheet of ATF-soaked paper andinsert it in the valve bore of the downloas valve. Twist the paper slightly, so that it unrolls freee fitsthe bore tightly, then polish the bore by twisting thepaper as you push it in and out. NOTE: The valve body is aluminum and doesn,trequire much polishing to remove any ourrs. Remove the paper. 1999 honda crv owners manual free download wash theentire valve body in solvent, then dry it with com-pressed ar.

Coat the valve with ATF, then drop it into its bore, ltshould drop to the bottom of the bore under its ownweight. Remove the valve.

DrV all parts with com-pressed air, then reassemble using ATF as a lubricant. Set mnual spring in the valve, and install it in the valve body.

Push the spring in with a screwdriver, then install the spring seat. 1999 honda crv owners manual free download the caD, then install the нажмите для деталей. Caps with a projected tip on each end are installedwith читать smaller tip toward the inside of the valvebody. The small tip is a spring guide. The tip is a spring guide. Caps with one projected tip and flat end are installedwith the tip toward the inside of the valve bodv.

Thetip is a spring guide. The groove is a valve cao cliogu ide. Caps with notched ends are installed with the notchtoward the inside of the valve bodv. Caps with flat ends and a hole through the center areinstalled with the smaller hole toward the inside windows 10 home vs pro differences free download valve body.

G Workshop Manual online. Car Manuals Online. Valve Gaps Description Caps with one projected tip and one flat end areinstalled with the flat end toward the inside of thevalve body. G Owners Manual.



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